Examples of use of raison d
1. It needed a raison d‘ être as well as a revenue stream for when its own oil runs out.
2. It needed a raison d‘ ętre as well as a revenue stream for when its own oil runs out.
3. Nixon‘s onetime aide guides a TV network that is Nixonian to its bones –– Fox‘s raison d‘?tre is to bash liberals, real or imagined.
4. The argument that the figure of '0 days was arbitrary would be fine if the agreed figure of 28 days wasnt even more arbitrary and without even a security services imprimatur to give it a raison d ętre.
5. June 7 2005 18÷47 Lemmy of rock gods Motorhead hit the spot for me when he sang÷ "I know I‘m gonna lose, òÀØcos gambling‘s for fools." My occasional flutters have been the byproduct rather than the raison d‘ être of a day at the races.